Monday, December 9, 2013

As long as we respect private property and contracts, where's the problem? I think if we have to have some sort of state, it should be something that respects private property, contracts and something that resembles the bill of rights (do what you want as long as it doesn't affect others.) Bribing companies could be punishable by death according to the contract if such a strong government wasn't there to say they couldn't. What better way to prevent corruption? Why does the government ban things? Why is unpasteurized milk illegal? Why are drugs illegal? Why is prostitution illegal? Why do we call ourselves a free country when we can't put what we want into our own bodies, and also create legitimate products to sell to people who want them (like drug users and their customers?) Not that drug use is condoned at all, but whose dumb idea was it to ban them all? Why put people in prison for their own self-destructive behavior? It's a "public" health problem? A public health problem is all the crime associated with prostitution and illegal drug smuggling/use/production/sale, and then using public money to put these people in jail, businessmen and victims of drug use alike. Banning things don't stop things, they make them considerably worse. Aren't syringes illegal? That's going to stop people? Maybe by killing off all the opium heads by getting STI's. Making meth illegal only makes those addicted use products that have tons of adulterants in them, so why not let a real company make this horrible drug? Better of the two evils, in my opinion. Why is prostitution illegal? Aren't people able to do what they want with themselves? They're going to do it anyway, so why not let them do it somewhere safe? And who has the authority to tell these people what they can't do? Does some magical degree make people more qualified to tell people what they can and can't do, despite how they don't have the intellectual capacity to know that trying to stop them won't work? Maybe people would stop being prostitues because it's a horrible job, not because of a law.

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