Monday, December 9, 2013

It puzzles me how more people don't accept the non-aggression principle and volunteerism when regarding the way the government works. To me, the government seems like a great big monopoly over certain businesses; only they have guns and can't go out of business. It's hard to tell what the government should and shouldn't do. At most it should enforce breach of contract, and maybe build our roads (since I totally don't understand how privatization of roads would work,) but why couldn't private companies do these same things? That way things the public disagreed with, malpractice, and bad business would be eliminated by running out of money. Corruption is the only thing I could think of; but why would a company be corrupt when it could easily be an honest business and stay in business?

1 comment:

  1. As each day passes I am convinced that our government is corrupt. There are just too many things that dont make sense. WIll we ever really find a cure for cancer? Aids?Multiple Sclerosis? My guess is no, the pharm companies make too much money off of the "treatments" available to us. Keep asking questions!
