Monday, December 9, 2013

Why is polygamy (and the female equivalent to which I don't know the word) illegal? Why is gay marriage illegal? Why does the state even legitify marriage? Isn't that a religious thing?  Why is regulation done by the government? So many people disagree with the FDA, so why not make it a private company so it can go out of business if it doesn't do its job correctly. Why not let food manufacturers choose who they want to regulate their food. People could be loyal to their own organic regulation company and only buy products regulated from them. The non-aggression principal is something that I don't understand why anyone should disagree with. Why should the government tell us how to live? Why should they be able to take forty percent of our income from taxes and spend it however they please? People earn their money, so why aren't they able to choose if it goes to welfare or war? Why not stop taking their money so they have the money to choose? Would self-interest destroy society? People make a product; someone buys a product, uses the money to make more product. What does the government do that no one would want to do otherwise? Public parks? Why not a "coca-cola" public park? Sounds like good advertisement to me.

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